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We are happy to look for a home in the South for you. Southern warmth, but also charm and authenticity
is just about everything France, Italy, Spain (and her Canary Islands), Greece, Portugal and Turkey have to offer.
The beautiful coasts, the picturesque villages and the imposing cities:
one never gets tired of it. Not only these countries mean to many people their annual vacation, but also many people invest in Real Estate. Real Estate stays soundly profitable in these countries. That
proved the past. We are ready for you, together with our many international contacts, to search for your dream home.

Also on Ibiza we specifically look for your dream home. Ibiza, the world's most famous party island has much more to offer than is known. The island is characterized by its beautiful nature and its
solid basis for investing in Real Estate. Purchasing of a house on this island gives a very large return.
We are also there for you on this island, together with our contacts, to search for your ideal home.

The UK is the place to drive around with a motorhome. We notice that when people drive around with the caravan or motorhome in, for example Scotland, England, Wales or Ireland, they very often 'stick' to
invest afterwards. It's a very specific Real Estate market that we like discuss with you in order to be able to fulfill your specific wish. Also in the UK we have very reliable contacts to find your dream home.


For many, Monaco is still 'the place to be'. For others it is old European glory. Anyone who invests here knows for sure to be in the field of Real Estate. Monaco is and remains a good investment, very value resistant. We are also happy to offer you here our help for the right investment.

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